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Oil Paintings

Here you will find a collection of my oil paintings. This timeless mediums will always be one of my favorites for creating big, emotional work that explores the human experience. 

Blind to the Beauty in the Pain

32x40" - Sold 

Often it is hard to see the beauty that comes out of the pain we experience. When we are feeling the pain, it feels like a blindfold, forcing us to experience only the now and unable to see the good that is being formed through the pain. 

Study of Man

16x20" - Available 

Even a simple study can have a story behind it. 


24x14" - Sold 

We are invited into the task of bringing life and beauty into a dying world. Where there is death and decay, there is the promise of

new life. 


24x14" - Available

In life, we feel divided as humans. Between what we know and what we feel. This divide can tear us apart, or it can make us into a better version of ourselves. 


40x62" - Available

Painted on a mirror, I wanted the viewer to be confronted by themselves. to see themselves in this pieces and reflect on how it applies to them. 

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